Hôm nay mình sẽ giới thiệu đến cho các bạn thêm một game rất hay nữa được làm từ file batch, đó là game Cờ Carô để các bạn có thể giải trí một cách vui vẻ và thoải mái nhất.

1. Mở Notepad lên.

2. Viết các đoạn code dưới đây vào Notepad (hơi dài):

REM Skill level
set sl=
echo Tic Tac Toe (Q to quit)
echo Pick your skill level (press a number)
echo (1) Easy
echo (2) Medium
echo (3) Hard
CHOICE /c:123q /n > nul
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 set sl=3
if errorlevel 3 goto layout
if errorlevel 2 set sl=2
if errorlevel 2 goto layout
set sl=1

REM Player turn ("x" or "o")
set pt=
REM Game winner ("x" or "o")
set gw=
REM No moves
set nm=
REM Set to one blank space after equal sign (check with cursor end)
set t1=
set t2=
set t3=
set t4=
set t5=
set t6=
set t7=
set t8=
set t9=

echo (S to set skill level) Tic Tac Toe (Q to quit)
echo You are the X player.
echo Press the number where you want to put an X.
echo Skill level %sl% 7 8 9
echo 4 5 6
echo 1 2 3
echo : :
echo %t1% : %t2% : %t3%
echo ....:...:....
echo %t4% : %t5% : %t6%
echo ....:...:....
echo %t7% : %t8% : %t9%
echo : :
if "%gw%"=="x" goto winx2
if "%gw%"=="o" goto wino2
if "%nm%"=="0" goto nomoves

set pt=x
REM Layout is for keypad. Change CHOICE to "/c:123456789sq /n > nul"
REM for numbers to start at top left (also change user layout above).
CHOICE /c:789456123sq /n > nul
if errorlevel 11 goto end
if errorlevel 10 goto begin
if errorlevel 9 goto 9
if errorlevel 8 goto 8
if errorlevel 7 goto 7
if errorlevel 6 goto 6
if errorlevel 5 goto 5
if errorlevel 4 goto 4
if errorlevel 3 goto 3
if errorlevel 2 goto 2
goto 1

REM Check if "x" or "o" already in square.
if "%t1%"=="x" goto player
if "%t1%"=="o" goto player
set t1=x
goto check
if "%t2%"=="x" goto player
if "%t2%"=="o" goto player
set t2=x
goto check
if "%t3%"=="x" goto player
if "%t3%"=="o" goto player
set t3=x
goto check
if "%t4%"=="x" goto player
if "%t4%"=="o" goto player
set t4=x
goto check
if "%t5%"=="x" goto player
if "%t5%"=="o" goto player
set t5=x
goto check
if "%t6%"=="x" goto player
if "%t6%"=="o" goto player
set t6=x
goto check
if "%t7%"=="x" goto player
if "%t7%"=="o" goto player
set t7=x
goto check
if "%t8%"=="x" goto player
if "%t8%"=="o" goto player
set t8=x
goto check
if "%t9%"=="x" goto player
if "%t9%"=="o" goto player
set t9=x
goto check

set pt=o
if "%sl%"=="1" goto skill1
REM (win corner to corner)
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t3%"=="o" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
REM (win outside middle to outside middle)
if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
REM (win all others)
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t6%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t8%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
REM (block general attempts) -----------------------------------------------
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t6%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
REM (block obvious corner to corner)
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%sl%"=="2" goto skill2
REM (block sneaky corner to corner 2-4, 2-6, etc.)
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
REM (block offset corner trap 1-8, 1-6, etc.)
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2

REM (block outside middle to outside middle)
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
REM (block 3 corner trap)
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
REM (just take a turn)
if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
set nm=0
goto update

set t1=o
goto check
set t2=o
goto check
set t3=o
goto check
set t4=o
goto check
set t5=o
goto check
set t6=o
goto check
set t7=o
goto check
set t8=o
goto check
set t9=o
goto check

if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t3%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" goto winx
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t3%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" goto wino
if "%pt%"=="x" goto computer
if "%pt%"=="o" goto update

set gw=x
goto update
echo You win!
echo Play again (Y,N)?
CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto begin
if errorlevel 2 goto end
goto layout

set gw=o
goto update
echo Sorry, You lose.
echo Play again (Y,N)?
CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto begin
if errorlevel 2 goto end
goto layout

echo There are no more moves left!
echo Play again (Y,N)?
CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto begin
if errorlevel 2 goto end
goto layout

echo Tic Tac Toe
REM Clear all variables (no spaces after equal sign).
set gw=
set nm=
set sl=
set pt=
set t1=
set t2=
set t3=
set t4=
set t5=
set t6=
set t7=
set t8=
set t9=

3. Lưu lại với bất cứ tên gì cũng được nhưng phải có đuôi là .bat.

4. Chạy file batch để chơi.

5. Enjoy!

bạn có cần nhiều thời gian để làm song 1 game không? -tò mò???? Cũng không hẳn, một số cái thì mình tự chế, còn một số thì mình lấy tự trên mạng, chỉnh sửa lại chút để phù hợp với anh em trên VNZ hơn thôi.

Các chủ đề có liên quan khác
