
New Member
I accept heard being about this and i apperceive theres been not abundant media advantage apparently because its controlled. I accept apparent absolute footage of the amero on youtube which is the planned bill for NAU. Is this absolutely gonna happen??? Couldnt this be absolutely bad for the poor and average classes of America???

Heres allocution of the Amero you should analysis out if you accept never heard of this plan............How can all the non-internet users be alerted of this if it isnt accessible in boilerplate media AND i apperceive theres a lot of bodies who aloof await on tv.



New Member
Nau would alone be a dispatch bean to absolute globalization..

The tax credits dictated to countries through the apple coffer would be the clue. It's amazing how the accomplished apple is alive to Cap and barter at absolutely the aforementioned time.. The G8 is a scam, Cap and barter is a scam, it basically is a admittance to pollute, that puts up windfalls for the big corporations, doesn't abate Carbon emissions, and bankrupts the poor and alive class. Ask the bodies beyond the pond in the UK how cap and barter is working.. DON'T FALL FOR IT !!!!

Spending money to break a money problem, is absolute nonsense, isn't like advantageous off one acclaim agenda with another. Just bad economics... Raising taxes is not how to access spending...Down with the IRS..

Look into the Fair tax....

I like the complete of that...

Well he hasn't appear appropriate out and said that he wants to body the NAU but look at all his actions, what do they acquaint you???? The affairs are in motion with or after BO



New Member
yes...but its not obama, you charge to accept the bold is abundant bigger than a distinct president. obama was a facelift, a way to get that majority aback beneath big brother's thumb...the nau has been in the works back bush's aboriginal term.

america, admitting what we may believe, is not a democracy, it's an oligarchy...a anatomy of government area the ability rests with a small, aristocratic accumulation of individuals distiguished, in this case, by wealth.

after the nau is formed, they will assignment on the asian union, the african union, and the south american union....the european abutment is already formed.

then, afterwards that, they anatomy a apple bank, again one behemothic association controls all of the money in the world.


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