
New Member
As many of you know, I've been collecting vinyl for years, and have many an obscure item. I know this stuff isn't for everyone, I just thought I'd share some of these lesser known Japanese bands from the past with you. Maybe there's something you dig? Then again...maybe not! Lol

'Speed Glue and Shinki'...was a Japanese psychedelic rock power trio formed in late 1970 by guitarist Shinki Chen and his mentor Ikuzo Orita, Japanese label boss of Polydor Records...

Mr. Drugstore Walking Man:

Stoned Out Of My Mind:

Keep it Cool:

'Blues Creation'...was the brainchild of guitarist/singer Kazuo 'Flash' Takeda. They were known as Blues Creation from 1969-1972 and after a three year hiatus returned as just Creation in 1975 following the same heavy rock style, but eventually evolving into a jazz/fusion band. Kazuo also played with Mountain's Felix Pappalardi...

Just I Was Born:

Atomic Bombs:

Demon and Eleven Children:

'Strawberry Path'...Hard rockin' blues duo featuring Shigeru Narumo (lead guitar, keyboards, vocals), Hiro Tsunoda (drums)...also appeared in 'Flied Egg'...

Woman Called Yellow Z:

Leave Me Woman:

Five More Pennies:



New Member
oh man, Smiley... this is a treasure trove! I haven't listened to all the tunes yet, but i've listened to a couple from from each band and they're awesome... this q's going to be the soundtrack to my 'psych rock' sunday for sure!

'Speed Glue and Shinki'... great fun and almost a sleazy vibe to them... made me think of japanese biker gangs ha ha...

'Blues Creation'... similar to above and i love the very 'oriental' sounding vox!

'Strawberry Path'... I loved these! almost sounded to me like a heavier Hendrix... cool keys too... 'Leave Me Woman's an awesome tune!

'Flied Egg'... again loved these and again cool keys! 'Oke-Kas' slots into a wicked groove when it gets going!

'Hiro Yanagida'... this tune was awesome and reminded me of 'Acid Mothers Temple & the Melting Paraiso U.F.O.' ... i'm sure you know them...

... their whole 'style' sounds just like Yanagida's... epic lo-fi guitar/keys freak outery! wicked!

'Mops'... cool upbeat grooves and what a vocalist!... another winner!

Cheers Smiley, you've just made my day ha ha! Where on earth do you find this stuff???



New Member
Thumbs up to Smiley for offering questions that present opportunities for Y!A users to further expand their knowledge on the vast world of music. Knowledge is power.


New Member
Hey you guys...thanks. I think this site needs more people such as yourselves...that are able to pass on their extensive knowledge to others, as it's really becoming a drag here! Lol


New Member
There's some good stuff in there, have you ever heard of Boris and Guitar Wolf? They are some solid Japanese bands, esp Boris, they are incredible and play anything from punk to stoner rock to drone doom to ambient.


New Member
uh yeah there beastly. they should've been considered with bands like led zeppilen and lynyrd skynyrd.

Why are all the japanese people prodigies? :)



New Member
yes I will take my time Prof. Dr. Smiley.

For today I will start with Speed Glue and Shinki and listen to their songs. I shall leave a comment on IMEEM too. After I am done I will tell you what I think/ feel of it.

Speed Glue and Shinki

I liked the first two songs very much, they reminded me a bit of mix between Led Zeppelin and The Beatles. It sounded completely "European" I would have never thought they were actually Japanese, the singer has a good pronunciation.

Blues Creation

In their music I recognized much more Japanese melody, harmony and maybe even lyrical aspects...the guitarist is cool but his singing sucks.

Fave song: demon and 11 children

Strawberry Path

Some really cool guitar and keyboards, at times a bit psychedelic tunes. I definitely like the rhythm and could dance to this :)

Fave song: Five more pennies

Flied Egg

I guess up to now this would be my favorite bands of those you posted on this occasion. I find them very much influenced by the bands you mention, and as I love them....I love this!

fave song: all of them!!

Hiro Yanagida

hmmmm. I could not listen to the whole song. Not my cup of tea.


Well these guys have some pretty cool tunes! I liked them a lot. Catchy stuff.

Fave song: Traces of Love


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