Mình kiếm được bài podcast này. Mới nghe được đoạn đầu, các bạn giúp mình nghe tiếp với


This is the cnn podcast. I’m Steve Kastenbaum. This is the story about the battle for space on the street of a nation cities.

City governments are trying to get more people to commute by bike. At the same time, many bicyclists think they are being targeted. They say they are under assault from drivers, pedestrians, and especially, the police.

We’re going to start with one man’s tell:

- I actually moved to New York city with an iMac and a bicycle

- That’s all you brought ?

- That’s all I brought.

- That’s Casey Neistat. He’s a film maker. And his only mode of transportation in New york is the bicycle.

- So where ….training … snowing a beautiful day like today I ride to work everyday

- Now … Casey know that when he moved here with just a bike and a computer that … on a collision course

Before we go on further, Casey has to say something about the way that he bikes on the streets

- In the means of disclosure, I think it’s important that i’d say that I do break the rules. I tried to ….any one else at risk for myself at risk. I’m not gonna sit away in the red light when I know that cars coming upon the bike

So Casey wasn’t surprised when a few weeks ago, a cop gave him a ticket while he was riding his bike.

- Literaly, I ... my bike pretty fast and …


New Member


Nguyên văn bởi viet1234

Mình kiếm được bài podcast này. Mới nghe được đoạn đầu, các bạn giúp mình nghe tiếp với

mình chưa biết up file này lên để nghe online nên đành phải cho lên mediafile tạm vậy

This is the cnn podcast. I’m Steve Kastenbaum. This is the story about the battle for space on the street of a nation cities.

City governments are trying to get more people to commute by bike. At the same time, many bicyclists think they are being targeted. They say they are under assault from drivers, pedestrians, and especially, the police.

We’re going to start with one man’s tell:

- I actually moved to New York city with an iMac and a bicycle

- That’s all you brought ?

- That’s all I brought.

- That’s Casey Neistat. He’s a film maker. And his only mode of transportation in New york is the bicycle.

- So where ….training … snowing a beautiful day like today I ride to work everyday

- Now … Casey know that when he moved here with just a bike and a computer that … on a collision course

Before we go on further, Casey has to say something about the way that he bikes on the streets

- In the means of disclosure, I think it’s important that i’d say that I do break the rules. I tried to ….any one else at risk for myself at risk. I’m not gonna sit away in the red light when I know that cars coming upon the bike

So Casey wasn’t surprised when a few weeks ago, a cop gave him a ticket while he was riding his bike.

- Literaly, I ... my bike pretty fast and …

Làm thế nào nghe được luôn trên mạng thì tốt, download về máy đời kém cũng chả mở đươc.


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Nguyên văn bởi viet1234

khâm phục, khâm phục, sẻ chia cho mình chút bí quyết đi bạn

Việt có thể cầu cứu ở đâu được ai giúp tui hoàn thành nốt những chỗ khó kia không? Không nhét được vào mấy lỗ hổng có chấm kia thì ăn không yên, ngủ không yên, day dứt lắm. Cái giọng New York nghe thật choáng vãi hàng. Xin đa tạ trước.


New Member
The first section. (revising viet1234's and phamquangvinh2006's)

This is the cnn podcast. I’m Steve Kastenbaum. This is the story about THE battle for space on the streetS of OUR nation’s cities.

City governments are trying to get more people to commute by bike. At the same time, many bicyclists think they are being targeted. They say they are under assault from drivers, pedestrians, and especially, the police.

We’re going to start with one man’s TALE.

- I actually moved to New York city with an iMac and a bicycle.

- That’s all you brought ?

- That’s all I brought.

That’s Casey Neistat. He’s a film maker. And his only mode of transportation in New York is HIS bicycle.

- So when it’s raining or snowing ON a BEAUTIFUL DAY like today I ride to work everyday.

Now LITTLE DOES Casey know that when he moved here with just a bike and a computer that THE TWO WOULD BE on a collision course.

Before we go on ANY further, Casey has to say something about the way that he bikes on the streets.

- In the means of disclosure, I think it’s important that I’d say that I do break the rules. I tried not to PUT anyone else at risk OR myself at risk. But I’m not gonna sit AND WAIT in the red light when ANOTHER CAR IS coming upon my bike.

So Casey wasn’t surprised when a few weeks ago, a cop gave him a ticket while he was riding his bike.

- Literally, I AM ON my bike. And I have a pretty fast and FIXED-GEAR bicycle and I KINDA weave in and out of traffic and the sirenS go on. So I KINDA get out of his way ‘CAUSE I WAS SIMPLY sliding by. He waved me over and pulled alongside me and said “pull over”. And it was pouring rain out, and HE, I very EXPLICITLY remembered him never getting out of his car, not once. He just rolled down the window, took my driver’s license, handed me a ticket and NOT BELLIGERENTLY BUT I DID TRY TO GIVE HIM A HARD TIME BY askING him why, he was giving me such A, I was asking him why he was BUSTING my chops.

He took out his small hand-held video camera and he started taping the encounter with the cop. “I AM GIVING YOU A TICKET FOR RIDING A BIKE NOT IN A BIKE LANE”. He thought he was getting a ticket for running the red light or biking recklessly. But no. Casey got a ticket for riding outside of a bike lane.

- YEAH, THE irony OF IT IS, had he given me a ticket for riding through the red lighter, OR, GOD, ARE THERE ANY OTHER RULES I WAS BREAKING AT THE TIME, BUT IF I WAS TICKETED FOR ANY INFRACTION I WOULD’VE just BEEN frustrated paying the ticket AND GONE ON WITH MY LIFE, in fact, he gave me a ticket for such a PREPOSTEROUS infraction that, UH, KINDA motivated OR inspired me to make that sort of movie.


New Member


Nguyên văn bởi hbae787

The first section. (revising viet1234's and phamquangvinh2006's)

This is the cnn podcast. I’m Steve Kastenbaum. This is the story about THE battle for space on the streetS of OUR nation’s cities.

City governments are trying to get more people to commute by bike. At the same time, many bicyclists think they are being targeted. They say they are under assault from drivers, pedestrians, and especially, the police.

We’re going to start with one man’s TALE.

- I actually moved to New York city with an iMac and a bicycle.

- That’s all you brought ?

- That’s all I brought.

That’s Casey Neistat. He’s a film maker. And his only mode of transportation in New York is HIS bicycle.

- So when it’s raining or snowing ON a BEAUTIFUL DAY like today I ride to work everyday.

Now LITTLE DOES Casey know that when he moved here with just a bike and a computer that THE TWO WOULD BE on a collision course.

Before we go on ANY further, Casey has to say something about the way that he bikes on the streets.

- In the means of disclosure, I think it’s important that I’d say that I do break the rules. I tried not to PUT anyone else at risk OR myself at risk. But I’m not gonna sit AND WAIT in the red light when ANOTHER CAR IS coming upon my bike.

So Casey wasn’t surprised when a few weeks ago, a cop gave him a ticket while he was riding his bike.

- Literally, I AM ON my bike. And I have a pretty fast and FIXED-GEAR bicycle and I KINDA weave in and out of traffic and the sirenS go on. So I KINDA get out of his way ‘CAUSE I WAS SIMPLY sliding by. He waved me over and pulled alongside me and said “pull over”. And it was pouring rain out, and HE, I very EXPLICITLY remembered him never getting out of his car, not once. He just rolled down the window, took my driver’s license, handed me a ticket and NOT BELLIGERENTLY BUT I DID TRY TO GIVE HIM A HARD TIME BY askING him why, he was giving me such A, I was asking him why he was BUSTING my chops.

He took out his small hand-held video camera and he started taping the encounter with the cop. “I AM GIVING YOU A TICKET FOR RIDING A BIKE NOT IN A BIKE LANE”. He thought he was getting a ticket for running the red light or biking recklessly. But no. Casey got a ticket for riding outside of a bike lane.

- YEAH, THE irony OF IT IS, had he given me a ticket for riding through the red lighter, OR, GOD, ARE THERE ANY OTHER RULES I WAS BREAKING AT THE TIME, BUT IF I WAS TICKETED FOR ANY INFRACTION I WOULD’VE just BEEN frustrated paying the ticket AND GONE ON WITH MY LIFE, in fact, he gave me a ticket for such a PREPOSTEROUS infraction that, UH, KINDA motivated OR inspired me to make that sort of movie.

Oh, that's it. Hóa ra là vậy, làm ơn nghe giúp nốt hộ phần còn lại với. Thật là sảng khoái khi nghe lại, nhưng bạn cố giúp phần còn lại đi, làm thế này khác gì uống nửa non bia rồi cất đi để giành mai uống tiếp. Thật là tâm phục, khẩu phuc.


New Member


Nguyên văn bởi phamquangvinh2006

Oh, that's it. Hóa ra là vậy, làm ơn nghe giúp nốt hộ phần còn lại với. Thật là sảng khoái khi nghe lại, nhưng bạn cố giúp phần còn lại đi, làm thế này khác gì uống nửa non bia rồi cất đi để giành mai uống tiếp. Thật là tâm phục, khẩu phuc.

I would like to finish the whole podcast for y'all but I've just happened to receive quite a few rather complicated documents in my office that need to be done in a couple of weeks.

(It's getting very hot here in Houston, Texas as the temperature approaches a record-breaking level. It was 102 degree Fahrenheit this afternoon......)

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